Use Buttermilk For Your Overall Health
Buttermilk which is very popular in the summer season, a glass of chilled buttermilk is very refreshing. Buttermilk is common in so many countries having warm climate and it is described today as fermented dairy drink.
Use Buttermilk For Your Overall Health
Buttermilk is widely used as a healthy beverage, and it is also used in cooking.
In baked goods it is used as acidic ingredient.
The lactore sugar is turned into lactic acid by the microbes in butter milk, making it of benefits to lactose-intolerant people.
Buttermilk is very low in fat and also contains low calories.
It contains a very good amount of vitamins like vitamin A, B12 and D.
It also contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, probiotics and protein.
Buttermilk has also a lot of benefits to beauty and health.
How To Use Buttermilk For Skin, Hair, and Overall Health
Buttermilk for skin tone or skin lightening
Gram flour
Other things you’ll need:
Procedure for daily use:
In 1/2 cup of buttermilk add a pinch of safron.
Keep it aside for 30 minutes.
Next, apply and message the solution gently on your skin.
Wait for 20 minutes.
Wash it off preferably thoroughly.
Do this once daily.
Procedure for weekly use:
Put 1/2 cup of gram fluor in a bowl
Add 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
Add enough buttermilk.
Mix thoroughly to make a paste (smooth paste preferably).
Now, apply the paste to your skin.
Leave the paste to dry on your skin.
Next, wet your finger and gently rub off the paste on your skin.
Then, rinse it off with water.
Use this homemade mask once weekly.
Also Read How to Make Natural Toothpaste at home
Buttermilk imporves skin tone.
it helps and taking away dead skin cells and impurities from the skin due to it lactic acid and milk protein.
The lactic acid in the buttermilk helps brighten the skin and also gives smooth texture.
Buttermilk for lightening and removing spots and marks
Dry orange peel
Other things you’ll need:
Procedure for daily use:
Dip a cotton ball into buttermilk and apply it on your spots and marks.
Leave the buttermilk for few minutes.
Now, rinse off the area with water.
Use this 1 or 2 times daily until the spots are gone.
Procedure for use in a week:
Grind a dry orange peel into powder.
Take 2 tablespoon powder of dry orange peel to a bowl.
Add enough buttermilk into the bowl.
Stir to make a paste.
Gently apply and message the paste on your skin.
Leave the paste on your skin for 30 minutes.
Scrub off the paste.
Now, rinse off with cold water.
Use this for at leat 2 to 3 times a week.
Buttermilk has lactic acid which remove spots and marks through skin exfoliation without drying the skin.
Lactic acid, which is an aplah hydroxy acid helps in removing marks and spots.
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Buttermilk for skin cleansing
Rose water
Olive oil
Almond oil
Procedure for daily use:
Soak a cotton ball in a buttermilk and cleanse your face with it.
Wash off your skin using plain water.
Do this daily before going to bed.
Procedure for use in week:
Take equal amount of buttermilk and almond oil then mix together.
Add some few drops of almond or olive oil.
Now, soak a cotton ball in the mixture.
Use the cotton ball to cleanse your skin.
Leave it for 10 to 15 minutes on your skin.
Rinse it off using cold water.
Do this daily or few times a week.
It is a very good skin cleanser, it takes cleanses and take away impurities from your skin including dirt and dust.
It keeps your skin nourished by keeping it bright and giving it a healthy look.
Buttermilk for strong and healthy hair
Extra-virgin olive oil
Othet things you’ll need:
Blend 1 egg, 1 banana, 2 tablespoons of honey, 3 tablespoons of buttermilk and 3 tablespoon of extra-virgin olive oil together in a blender.
Blend the ingredient to form a smooth paste.
Apply and message the paste gently to your hair.
Now, put on your shower cap to cover it.
Leave it to sit on your hair for 20 minutes.
Rinse it off thoroughly with cool water.
Use this homemade hair mask once a week.
More Info: This hair mask helps keep your hair hydrated.
Buttermilk is of benefits to the hair. It contains enough amoutn of vitamins and protein which help in promoting hair growth through nourishment of the hair.
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Buttermilk for hair dandruff
Apply buttermilk to your hair scalp.
Leave it for 15 minutes.
Use lukewar water to wash your hair.
Do this 3 to 4 times a week.
Other procedure:
Squeeze out the juice out of lemon.
Add 1/2 lemon juice and mix with 1/2 cup of buttermilk.
Gently apply the solution into your hair scalp.
Leave the solution for 15 to 20 minues on your hair scalp.
Now, wash your hair.
Repeat the process 3 to 4 times a week.
Buttermilk contains lactic acid which prevent fungi growth on the scalp which is the main cause of dandruff.