Eminem Quotes And Lyrics About Music impact in Life


  1. Sometimes I feel like rap music is almost the key to stopping racism.” – Eminem


  1. Personally, I just think rap music is the best thing out there, period. If you look at my deck in my car radio, you’re always going to find a hip-hop tape; that’s all I buy, that’s all I live, that’s all I listen to, that’s all I love― Eminem


  1. If people take anything from my music, it should be motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and don’t back down. – Eminem


  1. The emotions in a song – the anger, aggression – have got to be legitimate. – Eminem


  1. I think my first album opened a lot of doors for me to push the freedom of speech to the limit. – Eminem


  1. You better lose yourself in the music. The moment, you own it, you better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo. – Eminem


  1. Dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They’re only powerful when you got your back turned. – Eminem


  1. If there’s not drama and negativity in my life, all my songs will be really wack and boring or something. – Eminem


  1. I started learning how to not be so angry about things, learning how to count my f—ing blessings instead. By doing that, I’ve become a happier person, instead of all this self-loathing I was doing for a while. – Eminem


DON’T FORGET TO READ: Eminem Quotes about Love, Family and Relationships


  1. The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed. – Eminem


  1. I am whatever you say I am; if I wasn’t, then why would you say I am. – Eminem


  1. Dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing I learned. They’re only powerful when you got your back turned. – Eminem


  1. If there’s not drama and negativity in my life, all my songs will be really wack and boring or something. – Eminem


  1. A lot of truth is said in jest. – Eminem


  1. I say what I want to say and do what I want to do. – Eminem


  1. There’s no in between. People will either love you for it or hate you for it. – Eminem


  1. I need drama in my life to keep making music. – Eminem


  1. Somewhere deep down there’s a decent man in me, he just can’t be found. – Eminem


  1. Sometimes I feel like rap music is almost the key to stopping racism. – Eminem


  1. I come from Detroit where it’s rough and I’m not a smooth talker. – Eminem


  1. If people take anything from my music, it should be motivation to know that anything is possible as long as you keep working at it and don’t back down.” – Eminem


  1. But music is reflection of self, we just explain it, and then we get our checks in the mail.” – Eminem


  1. I always say this about my music, and music in general: Music is like a time capsule. Each album reflects what I’m going through or what’s going on in my life at that moment.” – Eminem


  1. I’ve accomplished enough with the music that I haven’t had to go out there and do other things to over-saturate.” – Eminem


  1. Sometimes I feel like rap music is almost the key to stopping racism.” – Eminem


  1. You know, fame is a funny thing, man, especially, you know, actors, musicians, rappers, rock singers, it’s kind of a lifestyle and it’s easy to get caught up in it – you go to bars, you go to clubs, everyone’s doing a certain thing… It’s tough.” – Eminem


  1. Music is so therapeutic for me that if I can’t get it out, I start feeling bad about myself – a lot of self-loathing.” – Eminem


  1. You better lose yourself in the music. The moment, you own it, you better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo.” – Eminem


  1. Rap was my drug.” – Eminem


  1. I’ve accomplished enough with the music that I haven’t had to go out there and do other things to over-saturate.” – Eminem


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