Reason why not to beg for love


It hurts to see a marriage and home you really care about lose its strength.
It is important to always give your best to try and make things better but don’t go so low you have to beg for love.
Love in it’s true nature doesn’t need to be begged for, it exists free and
It is important to note too that, even where Polygyny is being considered or exists, you deserve love without having to beg for it.
Every home goes through challenging times and we sometimes do things our spouses may not like but while apologising and making amends for wrong done is key, it is not the same as begging for basic things such as attention, care and love.
Give your marriage everything it deserves but if it gets to the point you have to beg for love, you really need to reconsider what exactly is going on.
You should not have to beg to be noticed, talked to, be intimate with, laughed with, plan with, taken care of, cared for. You should not have to beg to be loved on a permanent basis.


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