
That a union is successful does not mean it hasn’t gone through tough times and rough fights. It probably has gone through more…
There was a time when it all made sense. There was a time you loved the things and person you so much despise now, there was a time you’d go to the end of the world to protect what you had created….but not anymore.
The person you thought you knew became someone, something you do not know, one you do not wish to know, not anymore.
Not every relationship and union will work and make it but before you take the final step, before you seal your heart forever, there’s something I wish to discuss with you.
It is very difficult to create a successful union. As a matter of fact, such is the difficulty in doing it that the definition of ‘success’ in this context, is many times, said to the fact that the union has survived that long, not necessarily because it hasn’t had very turbulent times.
That a union is successful does not mean it hasn’t gone through tough times and rough fights. It has probably been through more.
It is the desire to make a success of it that pushes longevity which eventually becomes celebrated success. It takes two to work, but it only takes one to try. That one is you.
So many times, it is the try of one that sparks the other back to action.
Please, give your home all the tries it deserves, it is worth it.


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