We have people in the past, memories buried in disgust or folded and neatly tucked away.
It’s a different story altogether when we become the memories, especially when they aren’t as nice as we’d like them to be.

A lady who left you for a richer man (because of money) was never meant to be yours. Similarly, a man that picked someone else over you, made a choice. No matter how difficult that choice was, it wasn’t you.
She left you when you were poor, why is she back now that, coincidentally, you are better off?
He left you when he was single, why is he back now that he has a wife?
You can spend as much time as you like trying to find a valid justification for it, but it will be extremely difficult, if not impossible, for you to do so. Because each time this person comes back, it is for a less respectable reason than the last time they did so.
If he loved you the first time but left you for someone else, the next time he comes back to you, it will probably be for simply.. (you figure it out)
In a similar vein, if she loved you the first time around but left because you were poor, her return is most likely for simply…
If he loved you the first time but left you for someone else, the next time he comes back to you, it will probably be for simply.. (you figure it out)
In a similar vein, if she loved you the first time around but left because you were poor, her return is most likely for simply…
(you’ll need to work it out as well)
People today live in a state of denial. We want to demonstrate how much better off we are than our predecessors and thumb our noses at them in our current state of purported advancement; but, as a result, many people end up getting caught (again). If you need to brag about your current situation or status to your ex in order to feel satisfied with yourself, then you probably haven’t moved on from the past.
People today live in a state of denial. We want to demonstrate how much better off we are than our predecessors and thumb our noses at them in our current state of purported advancement; but, as a result, many people end up getting caught (again). If you need to brag about your current situation or status to your ex in order to feel satisfied with yourself, then you probably haven’t moved on from the past.
Author recommendation: 20 Basic Red Flags When Seeking A Husband
Your love connection with a former partner is at the top of the list of things that are destined to remain in a state of permanent ruin. Put an end to all thoughts of the Hollywood variety, and deal with the truth (well, except you have accepted the reality of hurt and diminished returns). I have nothing against being friends with an ex as long as this friendship is guided and guarded by rules, but hey, keep safe and that’s best done away. I have nothing against being friends with an ex as long as this friendship is guided and guarded by regulations.
Ex-partners have a better chance of coming up with the most convincing compilation of lies, which they construct using techniques such as sympathy, regret, and self-rediscovery, in addition to having prior understanding of your emotions.
Ex-partners have a better chance of coming up with the most convincing compilation of lies, which they construct using techniques such as sympathy, regret, and self-rediscovery, in addition to having prior understanding of your emotions.
In most cases, you are better off without them; nevertheless, I am aware that there are some instances where this is not the case. **My apologies to anyone whose WiFi connection was disrupted as a result of this post.