Beautiful Skin Face Mask With Home Remedies


Now things are getting very expesnive than we can expect due to high in demand that people had for those beauty chemically made products, but to help you focus on some other things rather than on those beauty products I’ve outline some ingredients readily available in your kitchen that will help you to get beautiful and glowing skin without spending even a single dollar to buy anything, due to all ingredients that would be used I can guess that they’re already available in your kitchen those ingredients are very good for your skin complexion and are extra-virgin olive oil, honey and baking soda.



Honey hydrates your skin and restore moisture. The honey can itself fight bacteria tighthens the pores on the skin and gives protection to your skin against ultraviolet rays damage and premature wrinkles.



Olive oil and honey provide your skin with softness and smoothness through their moisturizing properties and the olive oil has the ability of penetrate down and deep into your skin to help reduce blemishes, repair the skin and promote elasticity.

A gentle exfoliant is the baking soda which boost circulation and reduce redness caused by breakouts. It removes the excess oil and dead skin cells thereby treating acne and pimples.

These ingredients are not greasy and drying and good for all skin types with no exception to any skin type.


How To Make Beautiful Skin Face Mask With Home Remedies



Extra-Virgin Oil


Baking Soda

Baking Soda

Baking Soda










In a bowl put in one tablespoon of extra-virgin oil.

Add one 1/2 teaspoon of honey

Now, add one teaspoon of baking soda in the bowl.

Mix and stir the mixture to form a paste

Now your scrub is ready for use.



How To Use:

Wash your face, do not leave it to dry.

Now spread the face mask on your damp face to your neck.

Wait for 10 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water.




Note: if you experience and oily skin after using the homemades face mask, apply moisturizer or a toner.

For a beauty skin and soft glowing with beautiful skin, use this homemade face mask at least 1 or two time a week.


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