How To Treat Sweaty Palms and Feet With Home Remedies


How To Treat Sweaty Palms and Feet With Home Remedies

Sweaty palms and feet are always likely to occur when there is a change in the environment like change in the temperate of your surrounding or the level of your activity.

Excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis in medical terms, it can affect any part of your body but the most known common parts are the face, underarms, palms and sole of the feet. This condition is known to be connected to a genetic predisposition because most of the people affected or suffering from this have their parents or other relatives suffering the same thing.

Home Remedies To Get Rid of Sweaty Palms and Feet


How To Treat Sweaty Palms and Feet With Home Remedies

Remedy 1


Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is one and the most important and effective home remedy that would help you get rid of sweaty feet and palms easily and faster.


  • Wash the affected area with warm water, now use a cotton ball to apply the apple cider vinegar, leave it to last a night and wash it in the morning, after bath or shower apply little amount baby powder, but if you’ve a sensitive skin then mix and dilute the apple cider vinegar with equal amount of water then apply.

Other Procedures

  • Make a diluted solution by mixing equal amount rosewater and apple cider vinegar together. Apply this solution 2 or 3 times daily on the affected area.
  • You can alternatively add 1 or 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar unfiltered or raw, and a little amount of honey to a cup of warm water and drink it twice a day.


  • Apple cider vinegar has a lot of benefits to your body because it contains astringent properties that would help you control the problem of excessive sweating by keeping the pores tightly closed.
  • And also when taken internally it would help in balancing the body pH level.
  • The apple cider vinegar also help in boosting the metabolism of the body, which is the main cause of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis).




Remedy 2


Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the most available home remedy for treating sweaty palms and feet.


  • Squeeze out the juice of a fresh lemon into 1 teaspoon of baking soda then mix it up to make a paste. Apply this paste on the affected areas where you always sweat excessively. Wait for at least 10 minutes, now rinse or wash off the paste. Repeat the process once daily.

Other Procedures:

  • Add the juice of 1 lemon into a cup of water. Soak a washcloth inside the cup and rub it everywhere on your body especially the affected parts and wait for 20 minutes before taking a shower or bath. Do this once everyday.
  • Just sprinkle some little amount of salt on a piece of lemon and softly or gently apply it on the affected area until the affected area becomes dry. This remedy would help you in slowing down the activity of the sweat glands.


  • Lemon, it helps to eliminate bacteria and helps to keep you smelling fresh and nice, and it also work as natural deodorant.

NOTE: Immediately after using the lemon juice don’t go out in the sun because it temporarily makes your skin to become ultraviolet light sensitive.




Remedy 3




Tomatoes has the cooling and astringent properties which help to prevent the problem of sweaty hands and palms.


  • Cut a tomato into a good-sliced size and apply it on the affected areas of your body where you mostly experience the excess sweating.

Other Procedures:

  • You can also rub the freshly extracted tomato juice on the affected parts of your body and wait for 10 to 15 minutes. Then wash it off with warm water. Make sure you do it once daily.
  • Alternatively you can drink one cup of fresh tomato juice once daily for a week, and also another 1 cup of fresh tomato juice after every 2 days for another week to reduce the dosage.


  • Tomato juice in every drink it reduces the body temperature which will result in lower or reduced sweating.
  • Tomatoes also help to shrink and make tight pores which block the ducts that secrete sweat.



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