2020 Valentine’s Day Love Message Poem


valentine’s day love message poem

2020 is truly a year of mysterious and This valentine’s Day, express your love and feelings from deep within your heart not just with random messages, but with an eloquent love poem.

My dear sweetheart

You are my dream, my life, my all
You are more than I ever had before
Lets celebrate our love with all
Lets renew our vows once more.

Hold my hand and don’t let go
Open your heart to feel our love grow
Be my valentine, my dear, be my valentine
For as along as we have living time.

My dear sweetheart, be my valentine
With all my heart I’d like you be mine,
Not just today, not just a day,
But all the time, every single day.


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Which are your favorite Loving you messages? Leave a comment below.

Valentine’s Day message is a love poem written by Gabor Timis, © 2017.


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