Addressing the Right Person: The Key to Real Change in Relationships


In many societies, when a husband engages in extramarital affairs, the advice given to the wife often revolves around changing herself—buying aphrodisiacs, wearing sxxy lingerie, or learning new sxxual techniques. Similarly, when a husband neglects his home, the wife is urged to cook better meals, keep the house more organized, and cater to his needs in the hope of winning back his attention.

But how can things truly improve if we fail to address the right person?

This pattern of misplaced responsibility reflects a deeper societal issue: the tendency to hold women accountable for problems that they did not create. Instead of urging wives to change in response to their husbands’ actions, the focus should be on addressing the actual source of the problem—the husband’s choices and behavior.

A healthy relationship is built on mutual effort, communication, and accountability. If a husband is unfaithful, the conversation should revolve around his commitment, values, and the consequences of his actions. If he neglects his home, the discussion should focus on partnership, shared responsibilities, and emotional presence.

Shifting the responsibility to the wife does not solve the core issue—it only enables harmful behavior and perpetuates gender imbalances in relationships. True change happens when the right person is held accountable, leading to genuine understanding, growth, and stronger partnerships.


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