Sia Quotes About Inspiration


Sia Quotes About Inspiration

Enjoy the best Sia Quotes at BrainyQuote. Quotations by Sia, Australian Musician, Born December 18, 1975. Share with your friends.

1. “When you have a lot of people telling you what you are and perceiving you in a certain way, it’s difficult to find your own identity.” Sia
2. “I’m impressionable, that’s for sure.” Sia
3. “I’m an advocate of ‘it’s not what you are, it’s who you are.’” Sia
4. “I get to do what I love and communicate whatever I want.” Sia
5. “Life is pretty surreal and awesome.” Sia
6. “I’m a fan of the Strokes, so my big fantasy was that one day I would get to sing with them.” Sia
7. “About 50 percent of the songs on the radio are like, ‘Live like tomorrow doesn’t exist. Like it’s my birthday. Like it’s the last day of my life’… Such a large percentage of pop music is really about party time.” Sia
8. “My goal is to give girls and boys a different idea of expression. It’s not always about looking pretty or cute. It’s about expressing yourself however that may be, even if that’s being silly or goofy or weird.” Sia
9. “I can clear my mind, and lyrics just come out; it’s very easy for me.” Sia
10. “I’m sensitive and get easily upset and insulted.” Sia

11. “When you’re in a different place every day, there’s this kind of madness that sets in.” Sia
12. “If anyone besides famous people knew what it was like to be a famous person, they would never want to be famous.” Sia
13. “When you’re in a different place every day, there’s this kind of madness that sets in.” Sia
14. “The weirder the better for me.” Sia
15. “I don’t need to sing in front of thousands, as I can sing in the shower.” Sia
16. “I have never made money selling records. I have never really made money touring, either, or with merchandise, surprisingly. But I do make money by just having my songs in the background of television shows or in commercials or movie trailers. That’s been really good.” Sia
17. “The truth is that you shouldn’t match your insides to other people’s outsides. Life is an inside job, and we just have to do our best.” Sia
18. “As a person, I’m a good person who shows up for my friends. I do my best to be good. As an artist, I have no idea.” Sia
19. “I liked myself much more before I got famous. I was much friendlier and had more energy.” Sia
20. “I don’t want to be famous, or recognizable,” Sia

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21. “I have social anxiety. It’s easier up on stage because there’s security in being there. When I’m off stage I’m trying not to be a manic freak. I’m quite shy.” Sia
22. “When you’re entertaining all day long and that’s your work, you end up really very tired. You don’t have a lot of energy left over for your loved ones.” Sia
23. “Being hunted, paparazzi-style , doesn’t appeal to me.” Sia
24. “People aren’t honest about the horrors of fame. The downsides are so overwhelming that, for me, there is no payoff.” Sia
25. “I’m gonna live like tomorrow doesn’t exist.” Sia
26. “I think it would be very difficult to maintain one kind of art or whatever for your whole life. I think it’s unrealistic.” Sia
27. “I don’t need to be rich anymore; I don’t need to be a millionaire.” Sia
28. “Like when I’m singing live I can’t hear myself. I’m just listening to the rest of the band. To listen to my voice, it doesn’t even feel like it’s me.” Sia
29. “I’ll be the songwriter for pop stars and then they can be the front person and I don’t have to be famous.” Sia
30. “I love to dance. I have always been the first on the dance floor, but I’m not teachable. I couldn’t learn ‘five, six, seven, eight’ if my life depended on it.” Sia
31. “I don’t care what people think of me, unless they think I’m mean or something, but I don’t care if they think I’m like someone else because I know I’m not – I’m a total weirdo. I’m not selling a dream; I’m not selling fame like it is some sort of fantastic thing. I’m just trying to sell music and get on with my real life.” Sia

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