Condolences text messages to a friend


condolences text messages to a friend

When someone you care about has lost a loved one, it can be hard to know what to say. But it’s important to say something. Sharing your condolences lets them know you care and offers comfort in one of the hardest times they’ll ever experience. It’s a loving gesture that means a lot.

If you’re not sure how to express condolences when someone passes away, here are some messages you can use. You can either copy them word for word, change them to sound more like you, or customize them with your fondest memories of the person who has died. The thought will be appreciated in any case. (It’s always a good idea to personalize your condolence message with names — both the name of who you’re writing to and also the name of the deceased.)


⊗ My deepest thoughts are with you as you pass through the hardest time in your life. Don’t lose hope. God has the best plan for each one of us.

⊗ My heartiest sympathy goes to you and your family. Today your grief has touched us all. Let us share the pain together.

⊗  Accept my condolence for your loss. May God help you get through this difficult time and ease your pain.

⊗ May God pour his love and care on you as you go through the most difficult period in your life. My heartiest condolence for you!

⊗ My soul is hardened by the passing of your father.
He will stay in your memories forever.

⊗ On this sad occasion, we grieve with you. ____ lived to a ripe old age, but I know it is still a very big loss for you. My warm thoughts and much love to you.

⊗ There are no words to express my heartfelt sympathy. Condolences to the family. ___ was close to my heart.

⊗ I am sorry I could not convey my condolences in person. ____ was a very dear friend to me and I am heartbroken by this sad news. May she/ he find eternal bliss.

⊗ With a heavy heart I pray for eternal peace to the departed soul. ____ lived a good fulfilling life. My condolences to you.

⊗ May the divine bless you through this very difficult time of loss and despair…we pray for the departed soul and offer our condolences to the family.

⊗ Sad news… we share your grief and are with you in this dark hour…May the Almighty give everyone the strength to bear the great loss.


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⊗ Words seem inadequate to express my grief; please accept our condolences. Pray the family gets strength to accept this loss.

⊗ We join you in your grief…offer our condolences and stand with you in this difficult time. We have lost one of the most wonderful people. May she/ he be in peace.

⊗ It is truly hard to bear the pain… May the Lord give strength to all the beloved ones; Accept our heartfelt condolences.

⊗ There is no such thing as death! What seems so is transition; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call Death

⊗ I pray to God.. may you find comfort in the loving memories of the one who’s no more!

⊗ We pray the love of God enfolds you during your journey through grief . We send you thoughts of comfort.

⊗ My Deepest sympathy you and your family are in our prayers. Sorry to hear of your loss.

⊗ As you comprehend this profound loss, let yourself cry knowing each tear is a note of love rising to the heavens.

⊗ I was deeply saddened to hear of your loss. My thoughts are with you.

⊗ I can’t imagine what you are feeling, but I want to express my condolences to you. Please let me know of any way I can help you.

⊗ When we lose such a special person in our life, time seems to stop. However, it is important that we start to live again with a smile on your face so that we can make his soul happy, as he is still looking at us even if we can’t.

⊗ I understand that it is a rough time that you are going through. Just want to say that I am right here for you and will pray to God so that you can handle it well.



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